//--- Player size settings ---// // VRM model scale ModelScale=1.1 // Y-coordinate offset of the model ModelOffsetY=0 // Player collider height PlayerHeight=1.85 // Player collider radius PlayerRadius=0.5 // Nice for smol characters, so they could sit on the edge and do not clip in chairs SittingOnChairOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Offset when sitting on throne SittingOnThroneOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Offset when sitting in a ship SittingOnShipOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Offset when holding the mast HoldingMastOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Offset when standing on a ship front HoldingDragonOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Use this to offset yourself when you're sitting on the ground SittingIdleOffset=(0, 0, 0) // Use that if your smol character stuck in air while sleeping SleepingOffset=(0, 0, 0) //--- Equipment transformation ---// // Offset of the equipment position of the right hand RightHandItemPos=(0, 0, 0) // Offset of the equipment position of the left hand LeftHandItemPos=(0, 0, 0) // Offset of back item position of the right hand. (+Y is forward, +Z is down, +X is right) //right back items(when you press R) RightHandBackItemPos=(0, 0, 0) KnifeSidePos=(0, 0, 0) KnifeSideRot=(0, 0, 0) StaffPos=(0, 0, 0) StaffRot=(0, 0, 0) // Offset of back item position of the left hand. (+Y is forward, +Z is down, +X is right) //left back items(when you press R) LeftHandBackItemPos=(0, 0, 0) BowBackPos=(0, 0, 0) StaffSkeletonPos=(0, 0, 0) //--- Misc ---// // VRM model brightness ModelBrightness=0.8 // This will process and turn textures into standard textures. it will take some time, like 20 seconds or so if your avatar has a lot of textures. // cannot be used at the same time as UseMToonShader, and will override the UseMToonShader setting AttemptTextureFix=true // Adjust the camera position to the height of the VRM model FixCameraHeight=true // Use the MToon shader // If you want to use it, set "SSAO" to Off in the graphics settings UseMToonShader=false // Make the player fade out when the camera gets close // It is recommended to disable it on smol characters EnablePlayerFade=true // Can we send this vrm to other players // Currently unsupported AllowShare=true //--- SpringBone settings ---// // Stiffness scale of SpringBone SpringBoneStiffness=1.0 // Gravity strength scale of SpringBone SpringBoneGravityPower=1.0 //--- Scaling ---// // Scale for the equipment in hands EquipmentScale=1.0 // Scale for the interaction distance InteractionDistanceScale=1.0 // Scale for attack distance AttackDistanceScale=1.0 // Depth on which your character starts swiming SwimDepthScale=1.0