<#macro registrationLayout bodyClass="" displayInfo=false displayMessage=true displayRequiredFields=false> lang="${locale.currentLanguageTag}"> <#if properties.meta?has_content> <#list properties.meta?split(' ') as meta> ${msg("loginTitle",(realm.displayName!''))} <#if properties.stylesCommon?has_content> <#list properties.stylesCommon?split(' ') as style> <#if properties.styles?has_content> <#list properties.styles?split(' ') as style> <#if properties.scripts?has_content> <#list properties.scripts?split(' ') as script> <#if scripts??> <#list scripts as script>
<#if realm.internationalizationEnabled && locale.supported?size gt 1>
<#if !(auth?has_content && auth.showUsername() && !auth.showResetCredentials())> <#if displayRequiredFields>
* ${msg("requiredFields")}

<#nested "header">


<#nested "header">

<#else> <#if displayRequiredFields>
* ${msg("requiredFields")}
<#nested "show-username">
<#else> <#nested "show-username">
<#-- App-initiated actions should not see warning messages about the need to complete the action --> <#-- during login. --> <#if displayMessage && message?has_content && (message.type != 'warning' || !isAppInitiatedAction??)>
<#if message.type = 'success'> <#if message.type = 'warning'> <#if message.type = 'error'> <#if message.type = 'info'>
<#nested "form"> <#if auth?has_content && auth.showTryAnotherWayLink()>
<#nested "socialProviders"> <#if displayInfo>
<#nested "info">