# Shx [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Factions-badge.atrox.dev%2Fshelljs%2Fshx%2Fbadge%3Fref%3Dmaster&style=flat-square)](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/shelljs/shx/goto?ref=master) [![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/shelljs/shx/master.svg?style=flat-square&label=coverage)](https://codecov.io/gh/shelljs/shx) [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/shx.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/shx) [![npm downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/shx.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/shx) `shx` is a wrapper around [ShellJS](https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs) Unix commands, providing an easy solution for simple Unix-like, cross-platform commands in npm package scripts. `shx` is proudly tested on every node release since `v6`! ## Difference Between ShellJS and shx - **ShellJS:** Good for writing long scripts, all in JS, running via NodeJS (e.g. `node myScript.js`). - **shx:** Good for writing one-off commands in npm package scripts (e.g. `"clean": "shx rm -rf out/"`). ## Install ```shell npm install shx --save-dev ``` This will allow using `shx` in your `package.json` scripts. ## Usage ### Command Line If you'd like to use `shx` on the command line, install it globally with the `-g` flag. The following code can be run *either a Unix or Windows* command line: ```Bash $ shx pwd # ShellJS commands are supported automatically /home/username/path/to/dir $ shx ls # files are outputted one per line file.txt file2.txt $ shx rm *.txt # a cross-platform way to delete files! $ shx ls $ shx echo "Hi there!" Hi there! $ shx touch helloworld.txt $ shx cp helloworld.txt foobar.txt $ shx mkdir sub $ shx ls foobar.txt helloworld.txt sub $ shx rm -r sub # options work as well $ shx --silent ls fakeFileName # silence error output ``` All commands internally call the ShellJS corresponding function, guaranteeing cross-platform compatibility. ### package.json ShellJS is good for writing long scripts. If you want to write bash-like, platform-independent scripts, we recommend you go with that. However, `shx` is ideal for one-liners inside `package.json`: ```javascript { "scripts": { "clean": "shx rm -rf build dist && shx echo Done" } } ``` **Tip:** because Windows treats single quotes (ex. `'some string'`) differently than double quotes, [we recommend](https://github.com/shelljs/shx/issues/165#issuecomment-563127983) wrapping your arguments in double quotes for cross platform compatibility (ex. `"some string"`). ## Command reference Shx exposes [most ShellJS commands](https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs#command-reference). If a command is not listed here, assume it's supported! ### sed Shx provides unix-like syntax on top of `shell.sed()`. So ShellJS code like: ```js shell.sed('-i', /original string/g, 'replacement', 'filename.txt'); ``` would turn into the following Shx command: ```sh shx sed -i "s/original string/replacement/g" filename.txt ``` **Note:** like unix `sed`, `shx sed` treats `/` as a special character, and [this must be escaped](https://github.com/shelljs/shx/issues/169#issuecomment-563013849) (as `\/` in the shell, or `\\/` in `package.json`) if you intend to use this character in either the regex or replacement string. Do **not** escape `/` characters in the file path. ### Unsupported Commands As mentioned above, most ShellJS commands are supported in ShellJS. Due to the differences in execution environments between ShellJS and `shx` (JS vs CLI) the following commands are not supported: | Unsupported command | Recommend workaround | | ------------------- | -------------------- | | `shx cd` | Just use plain old `cd` (it's the same on windows too) | | `shx pushd` | Just use plain old `pushd`. Use forward slashes and double-quote the path. (e.g. `pushd "../docs"`. This would fail on Windows without the quotes) | | `shx popd` | Just use plain old `popd` | | `shx dirs` | No workaround | | `shx set` | See below | | `shx exit` | Just use plain old `exit` | | `shx exec` | Instead of `shx exec cmd`, just use plain old `cmd` | | `shx ShellString` | No workaround (but why would you want this?) | ### Shx options Shx allows you to modify its behavior by passing arguments. Here's a list of supported options: | [`set`](https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs#setoptions) flag | [`shell.config`](https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs#configuration) setting | shx command | Effect | |:---:| --- | --- | --- | | `-e` | `config.fatal = true` | Not supported | Exit upon first error | | `-v` | `config.verbose = true` | `shx --verbose cd foo` | Log the command as it's run | | `-f` | `config.noglob = true` | `shx --noglob cat '*.txt'` | Don't expand wildcards | | N/A | `config.silent = true` | `shx --silent cd noexist` | Don't show error output | ## Team | [![Nate Fischer](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/5801521?s=130)](https://github.com/nfischer) | [![Ari Porad](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1817508?v=3&s=130)](http://github.com/ariporad) | [![Levi Thomason](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5067638?v=3&s=130)](https://github.com/levithomason) | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | [Nate Fischer](https://github.com/nfischer) | [Ari Porad](http://github.com/ariporad) | [Levi Thomason](https://github.com/levithomason) |