invalidPasswordMinLengthMessage=Invalid password: minimum length {0}. invalidPasswordMaxLengthMessage=Invalid password: maximum length {0}. invalidPasswordMinLowerCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} lower case characters. invalidPasswordMinDigitsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} numerical digits. invalidPasswordMinUpperCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} upper case characters. invalidPasswordMinSpecialCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} special characters. invalidPasswordNotUsernameMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the username. invalidPasswordNotContainsUsernameMessage=Invalid password: Can not contain the username. invalidPasswordNotEmailMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the email. invalidPasswordRegexPatternMessage=Invalid password: fails to match regex pattern(s). invalidPasswordHistoryMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to any of last {0} passwords. invalidPasswordBlacklistedMessage=Invalid password: password is blacklisted. invalidPasswordGenericMessage=Invalid password: new password does not match password policies. ldapErrorEditModeMandatory=Edit Mode is mandatory ldapErrorInvalidCustomFilter=Custom configured LDAP filter does not start with "(" or does not end with ")". ldapErrorConnectionTimeoutNotNumber=Connection Timeout must be a number ldapErrorReadTimeoutNotNumber=Read Timeout must be a number ldapErrorMissingClientId=Client ID needs to be provided in config when Realm Roles Mapping is not used. ldapErrorCantPreserveGroupInheritanceWithUIDMembershipType=Not possible to preserve group inheritance and use UID membership type together. ldapErrorCantWriteOnlyForReadOnlyLdap=Can not set write only when LDAP provider mode is not WRITABLE ldapErrorCantWriteOnlyAndReadOnly=Can not set write-only and read-only together ldapErrorCantEnableStartTlsAndConnectionPooling=Can not enable both StartTLS and connection pooling. ldapErrorCantEnableUnsyncedAndImportOff=Can not disable Importing users when LDAP provider mode is UNSYNCED ldapErrorMissingGroupsPathGroup=Groups path group does not exist - please create the group on specified path first ldapErrorValidatePasswordPolicyAvailableForWritableOnly=Validate Password Policy is applicable only with WRITABLE edit mode clientRedirectURIsFragmentError=Redirect URIs must not contain an URI fragment clientRootURLFragmentError=Root URL must not contain an URL fragment clientRootURLIllegalSchemeError=Root URL uses an illegal scheme clientBaseURLIllegalSchemeError=Base URL uses an illegal scheme backchannelLogoutUrlIllegalSchemeError=Backchannel logout URL uses an illegal scheme clientRedirectURIsIllegalSchemeError=A redirect URI uses an illegal scheme clientBaseURLInvalid=Base URL is not a valid URL clientRootURLInvalid=Root URL is not a valid URL clientRedirectURIsInvalid=A redirect URI is not a valid URI backchannelLogoutUrlIsInvalid=Backchannel logout URL is not a valid URL pairwiseMalformedClientRedirectURI=Client contained an invalid redirect URI. pairwiseClientRedirectURIsMissingHost=Client redirect URIs must contain a valid host component. pairwiseClientRedirectURIsMultipleHosts=Without a configured Sector Identifier URI, client redirect URIs must not contain multiple host components. pairwiseMalformedSectorIdentifierURI=Malformed Sector Identifier URI. pairwiseFailedToGetRedirectURIs=Failed to get redirect URIs from the Sector Identifier URI. pairwiseRedirectURIsMismatch=Client redirect URIs does not match redirect URIs fetched from the Sector Identifier URI. duplicatedJwksSettings=The "Use JWKS" switch and the switch "Use JWKS URL" cannot be ON at the same time. error-invalid-value=Invalid value. error-invalid-blank=Please specify value. error-empty=Please specify value. error-invalid-length=Attribute {0} must have a length between {1} and {2}. error-invalid-length-too-short=Attribute {0} must have minimal length of {1}. error-invalid-length-too-long=Attribute {0} must have maximal length of {2}. error-invalid-email=Invalid email address. error-invalid-number=Invalid number. error-number-out-of-range=Attribute {0} must be a number between {1} and {2}. error-number-out-of-range-too-small=Attribute {0} must have minimal value of {1}. error-number-out-of-range-too-big=Attribute {0} must have maximal value of {2}. error-pattern-no-match=Invalid value. error-invalid-uri=Invalid URL. error-invalid-uri-scheme=Invalid URL scheme. error-invalid-uri-fragment=Invalid URL fragment. error-user-attribute-required=Please specify attribute {0}. error-invalid-date=Attribute {0} is invalid date. error-user-attribute-read-only=Attribute {0} is read only. error-username-invalid-character={0} contains invalid character. error-person-name-invalid-character={0} contains invalid character. error-invalid-multivalued-size=Attribute {0} must have at least {1} and at most {2} value(s).